Sunday, February 1, 2009

Waiting on Redoubt

We picked up some supplies over the weekend while we waited on news of Mt. Redoubt. Volcanic activity seems to increase and then decrease daily so we still don't know if/when an eruption will occur. With Anchorage 100 miles north of Mt. Redoubt, it is estimated that if the mountain erupts it will take approx. 30 minutes for an ash cloud to reach Anchorage, just enough time to get home. The above picture isn't all the items we picked up, missing is dog food, doggie pee pads, bleach, another roll of plastic sheeting, & 5 Gal. water jug.

Kyle is on call for his job, because of the volcano, and thus we will have a very early warning of an ash cloud. Kyle will unfortunately remain on call until the eruption situation has been resolved, one way or another.

Photos taken 1-30 & 1-31, posted at the Alaska Volcano Observatory website, show glacial depressions on the top of the mountain, where the last eruption had occured back in 1990. Fumaroles have increased in size and are visible on the web cams at th
Alaska Volcano Observatory as well as mud flows from the side of the mountain.

The waiting is killing me more than anything. Until the mountain erupts or quiets down, we will be on edge waiting to see what will happen.

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