Outside my window... The sun has gone to bed, and the white topped mountains peak out among the dark clouds.
I am thinking... That it would be nice if I never had to work again, having a long weekend at home with my family really feels nice and I'm dreading working tomorrow.
I am thankful for... The blessings the Lord has given me in these rough times; a strong family bond, plentiful meals, and a warm home :-)
From the kitchen... It is dark, you can hear the buzz of the dish washer cleaning the last of our weekends meals.
I am wearing... Pj's and my fuzzy slipper socks
I am creating... Working on my place mats, the directions are a bit confusing so it is taking longer than expected. I am also finding that using fabric with stripes is a bit challenging due to even the slightest error in sewing greatly shows.
I am going... To bed, in my soft warm bed with my husband by my side.
I am reading... I am taking a break from reading til something new catches my eye, I'll have to visit the bookstore this week for some inspiration.
I am hoping... That the week goes swiftly and before I know it, it will be another weekend...yeah, I know, but I can wish!
I am hearing... Keith Urban crooning from my speakers singing about "Once in a lifetime".
Around the house... The dryer is humming with its last load for the week, and the dogs are nestled in their kennels for the night.
One of my favorite things... My "my" time before bed where I get ready for work and take some time to snuggle with my hubby before I doze off to sleep.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Hopefully finish my placemats and try to figure out what is causing my Lucy girl to have allergic reactions as it isn't her food so now I will have to check out the chemicals I use in the house. Can be frustrating, but I hate seeing her all broke out in spots.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
Time for bed, oh yeah!
You can visit Peggy over at The Simple Woman's Daybook for more daybook posts.
I really enjoyed ur entry this week. The photo of ur bed really gave me a visual of why u enjoy cuddling in each night. :o)
LOL...I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to post a picture of my bed, but I did it anyways! When I do my daybook each week, my entries revolve around my current going-on's and at the last posting I did at bedtime so my mind was really focused on heading to bed. Thanks for checking on my blog, I hope you find my other postings equally interesting :-)
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