For Today, Monday February 9, 2009
Outside my window... The clouds are slowly creeping down the Chugach Mountains, enveloping the city in a blanket of white. Smoke trails are visible from the chimney tops and the occasional Raven flies overhead on their way to nest for the night.
I am thinking... That it would be really great for us to have a working furnace as it is awful cold in our home.
I am thankful for... My supportive husband and how he can always make me feel better. It seems that I have started out the New Year on a glum note, I think its just the weather outside, but Kyle has been there to give me support and love even though I can be difficult to deal with.
From the kitchen... I am planning out tonight's dinner of corned beef & cabbage followed by a cup of cocoa.
I am wearing... My comfy pajama pants and a soft warm sweater that Kyle bought for me 2 yrs ago for Christmas.
I am creating... A new set of place mats for my dining room table, I picked out the two fabrics over the weekend and I am excited to make them as they will have a built in pocket for silverware.
I am going... To take a nice soak in the tub before I tackle dinner, and watching Heroes with Kyle.
I am reading... Actually I am currently reading craft books and a home preserving book that I hope to put to good use this summer when produce is on sale.
I am hoping... For a nice Valentines weekend with my sweetheart by spending the day taking a drive south to Whittier for a packed lunch followed by a nice homemade dinner with lava cakes for dessert, yummy!
I am hearing... Snoring Pugs!! The dogs have stayed very close to the heaters and will spend a good part of the day parked on the warm human bed.
Around the house... I am working on re-arranging our second bedroom as it is currently over run with stuff. I am hoping to tackle steam cleaning of the carpets, I actually enjoy this and aim to steam the carpets every month, and to pick up the master bedroom as it always seems to have 3x as much stuff as it should.
One of my favorite things... Taking a hot bath before bed.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Run to the store for water chestnuts for our Valentines Day dinner, get a new furnace installed pronto!, & start on my new sewing projects.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
Kyle loves those baby Pugs, this is the lone female from Frank & Lucy's last litter, her name is Rose Fire, she was born on Valentine's Day 2007.
1 comment:
Your dogs are cute and the picture of the mountain is amazing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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