Outside my window... It is a clear night and the snow is starting to thaw as we will be in the 40's tomorrow with a chance of snow/rain, yuck!
I am thinking... About my little Lucy girl, she has always had a lot of ear infections and I think that it has finally caught up to her. We noticed today that she is having difficulty hearing us when we speak in low tones. Today I was behind her and she didn't hear a word I said, I ended up having to reach down and pet her to get her attention. I am really sad...she just turned 4.
I am thankful for... The wind, with Mt. Redoubt erupting multiple times since Sunday, we've been saved from having to deal with cleaning up ash as the wind has been carrying it far.
From the kitchen... Still smells like dinner; chicken alfredo with sauteed mushrooms and green beans.
I am wearing... Pink pajamas (one of my fav. colors)
I am creating... Actually taking a break from projects for now, we've been busy on house stuff.
I am going... To get the dogs into bed, Winston is all ready and he is waiting outside his kennel, he's a tired little fella :-)
I am reading... Still working on The things they carried.
I am hoping... That Mt. Redoubt is all done, getting phone calls at midnight is no fun.
I am hearing... SILENCE, as it is time for bed.
Around the house... The office nook looks like a bomb exploded, my brother in law will be staying with us for a week so all the extra stuff was moved out of the guest bedroom.
One of my favorite things... New sheets on the bed, we changed them back to the flannel set as they are the warmest. They are really cute decorated with snowflakes.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Just get through the week, and then have to go to work on a day off for a meeting. I am looking forward to next week as it will be short, Kyle and I will be celebrating our 8th Anniversary so we both took some time off of work.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Did you remember to get some Girl Scout Cookies?? Yep, I was once a brownie myself, wow how I've changed through the years.
You can visit Peggy over at The Simple Woman's Daybook for more daybook posts.a
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