Its not that I am burned out, but the food service industry is highly unreliable. I have been with the current restaurant for 3 years. Even with being hired full time, during the off winter season its hard to even make 6 hour work days let alone 10 hour supervisor shifts. And to be honest, getting up at 4am really sucks! There are other downsides of the food service industry that weren't imaginable until I worked in it. A fair amount of the kitchen staff is made of up people looking for a second chance, yep they marked that little box about criminal record on their application, and honestly a majority of the employees have addictions that spill into work and I really don't tolerate excessive absences or the employees with the long lists of made of excuses of why they can't make it on time or need to leave early every day. I earned a reputation at the restaurant, sadly not appropriate the nickname that was given for me, because I didn't tolerate the b/s. So, at a particularly low point of my working at the restaurant, I had a heart to heart talk with Kyle.
He always finds ways to amaze me, he will sit quietly and allow me to get out all of my frustrations and fears, and in return comforts me and supports me in any decision that I choose. Did I waste the last 6 years on a career that I am no longer pursuing? I haven't yet answered that myself and maybe it will never be resolved.
What I do know is that I am a bit giddy about my new job. I will get to sleep in til 7am, share rides with Kyle, take a real lunch break, I actually get to sit at my job, and the benefits are better than I have had in any restaurant.
And the best perk is that I work for the same organization that Kyle works fora:-)
Wish me luck!