Just some going-ons in our neck of the woods.
It took a while, but the dogs are starting to adjust to our new schedule. For the longest time, they were programmed to know that if I let them out of there kennels in the morning, then that meant that I wasn't working for the day. Now, since Kyle works at 9am and I don't go in til 10am, I take care of the dogs in the morning. They are so excited when I let them out in the morning because they figure that I am home for the day, and then they watch me get ready for work, and as soon as I slide on my shoes in unison they stand up and head into there kennels. I feel so bad! Here I am giving Lucy a pep talk and reassuring her that we will be back, man oh man how we love our little dogs.
And, as I was getting ready for work Monday morning, this was the scene that greeted me outside my bedroom window. "It's Bbbaaaccckkk!" Agh, I guess its the right time of year for our first termination dust, aka snow, but hopefully we will make it to the weekend before any of it hits at street level.
Are you ready for winter?