I've been struggling to come to terms with the fact that this will be my last year in my 20's, & I haven't yet embraced the notion of turning 30. It only seems like yesterday that I was taking hunters ed & learning how to drive, can it really be 12 years since I graduated high school?!?, it only seems like yesterday. Just this week I even spotted a grey hair, yikes! It was only a short little thing, but it's still a blantant indication that everyday I am/ we are all getting older. It's a reminder for me to not forget the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me, & to embrace them all.
Our heavenly father, even when all seems lost, you strengthen my faith & never lead me wrong.
My loving devoted husband, you are my rock, my shelter, my love...you were right on time.
My family, near & far, I love you all.
My sweet furry little dogs, my life would be very different without you.
My health.
My friends; whether we talk every day or just swap emails every once in a while, I am blessed to know each & everyone of you.
My job; without it I wouldn't be able to sleep in my big warm bed, always having something to eat, indulge in a movie night out every once in a while, & being able to donate money, time, & goods, when the need arises.
**I want to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! And don't forget to count your blessings :-)