Friday, January 30, 2009

Pug Break

aaaLucy before her surgery
aaaRide home after surgery
aaaAllergic reaction, poor girl!
aaaThis evening
Lucy has had a rough couple of weeks. I felt EXTREMELY guilty the day I brought her to the Vet's office, she wanted to sit in my lap with her head on my shoulder and she cried/whined the whole ride there. After 2 anxious hours I went back, even though they hadn't contacted me to pick her up yet, and I ended up waiting another 30 min. before she could go home due to an upset tummy. I noticed some allergic reaction spots on the way home but didn't really think too much about it. She spotted on and off for 3 days after her surgery, see 3rd pic. down, Vet said it was ok for Benadryl so treated with that for several days. Her spotting progressed to non-stop scratching and caused weeping sores on her head. This lead to a skin infection on her face and a round of ointment and antibiotics treatment which she is still on. I think that she is through the worst of it all, now just downhill til the stitches are removed and she will be 100% back to normal. I almost forgot to mention that she also had several teeth removed, she had multiple retained baby teeth, and she now has a bit more room in her mouth and her breath smells better too!

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