Last week we had a decent earthquake here in Alaska and now this week we have a new warning of a possible eruption of Mt. Redoubt's Volcano. Mt. Redoubt is located 100 miles south of Anchorage. Its most recent eruption was from 1989-1990 during a 4 month period of active eruptions that affected many Alaskan communities. For more info you can visit the Alaska Volcano Observatory, or Municipality of Anchorage Volcanic Ash Alert website.
This weekend Kyle and I will be heading out to get some dust masks, air filters for the furnace, & get the air filters changed on the cars. Thankfully I have plenty of duct tape and painters plastic so I can cover over our fireplace opening and drape some plastic over the hood of the car to protect the motor from ash. There is not much I can do for the dogs having to go to the bathroom, we will have to make it quick trips outside and dust them off, and ourselves off, before coming into the house. Even with Volcano alerts being issued, no one knows if it will erupt or when, it is a waiting game to see what will happen.
Do you have a garage? If you do you can set up a makeshift "potty box" - I had to do this with a small dog that could not go outside at all (allergies out the wazooo) so I created a small box and taught him to go in the box. With pugs and their breathing that might be an option if needed. I used Astro turf which can be hosed off.
We do have a one car garage that will have a vehicle parked in it, but there may be some room to add a potty area. I am hoping to pick up some doggie pee pads to use in the garage if need be.
I spoke to a co-worker today who was here when the volcano erupted in 1990, he said that there was several inches of the ash covering everything. If it does get that bad, then the dogs will not be let outside.
The ash warnings indicate that you should turn off electric sources so we will be filling up our cars with gas and stopping by the bank for some cash as who knows if anyone will be open for business if the volcano does erupt. That also means that I may be a bit absent from my blog, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I will pray that it does not get that bad for you - I hope you continue to blog - Love to read about your area and see it through your pictures and posts.
How is your little boy pug - didn't he have to have surgery too?
Thank you for your prayers we could use all the help we can get. Everydays forecast of the volcano is different than the day before, we really aren't sure just what will happen. The scientists are still predicting a 90% chance of eruption but who knows when or if the dust cloud will blow this way, or just how much ash there will be. I'll continue to blog as normal, and in the event of an eruption I plan on posting a small notice of my temporary absence.
Frank was also scheduled for surgery the same day as Lucy. The night before, hubby and I talked about him getting fixed and we agreed to disagree on his surgery so his was nixed for the time being until both of us are comfortable with the surgery. Thankfully he has already had blood tests drawn so he is a go for any more surgeries down the road.
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