One of his medicines is his blood. It has been spun to separate the liquid from the blood cells, then the liquid is given as eye drops. Sounds odd but at this point we are willing to try whatever the Vet recommends. We have a re-check in 4 days. The Veterinarian didn't say what we would do next if this also fails, and I am afraid to ask. Also, there isn't a Veterinarian eye specialist in the state of AK, so getting a Vet that specializes in eyes isn't possible.
Winston is in good spirits and seems to only know that his eye is a bit fuzzy, and is starting to recognize the drive to the Vet's office.
Oh Goodness! I feel so bad for him! I hope it works! Julie -
Poor doggie! And owner!
I had a cat with an ulcer on her eye - this is when part of the cornea is just missing. It was so big that it was visible without dye.
We went to the vet, did the steroid ointment. She was so happy for the relief she actually held her head up for us when it was time for the ointment! After 2 weeks, it completely healed. I sooo hope you have a similar experience!
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