Friday, November 7, 2008

Homemade labels and more...

I've had readers contact me regarding making labels for homemade items that are given as gifts. I did some searching online and have come across some great resources, they include:

Martha Stewart
I was surprised to see her website offering templates of labels, as well as great gift ideas including felt baby booties, suede headband, fan style family tree, and many more.

These labels are vintage style and really cool!

Tip Nut
Various labels for different projects including canned items, hang tags, recipe cards, and many more templates to download.

Craft Bits
This is a massive crafting site where you can find info on nearly every craft you can safely do from home. Craft ideas include wire jewelry, recycled crafts, gifts in a jar, bath & body, as well as holiday theme craft ideas.

You can always try and make your own labels using programs like Word. It is very easy to do but it does take some patience to figure out how to make everything work. Happy Crafting!

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