Sunday, October 26, 2008

Treats for our feathered friends

Bird seed pinecones are great treats for the birds that stay through the winter, they are also great craft projects and super easy to do.
Here's what you will need:
Large old pinecones that have fully opened
Paper plates
Bird seed
Peanut Butter
Take string and tie around top of pinecone, leave approx. 1 ft of string, on other end, to attach to a tree branch.
Put some peanut butter on a plate, use a spatula to spread onto pinecone.
On a new plate, sprinkle a layer of bird seed, roll peanut butter covered pine cone in bird seed. Press seeds into cracks of pinecone.
Suet Feeders are another great homemade project
You will need:
Suet, you can get this from your local butcher
Onion sack (plastic with a bunch of holes)
Paper Plate
Bird seed
Take suet and roll tightly into a ball or oblong shape. Place bird seed on plate and roll suet in bird seed, press seeds into suet. You can also add in dried fruits such as berries to mix. Put suet mixture into onion sack and cut down bag. Tie off end of bag with string, leave approx. 1 ft of string to attach to a tree branch.
Homemade bird feeders
Don't throw away your old pumpkins and decorative gourds! Hollow out by cutting windows from the sides. Once leathery and dry, fill bottoms with bird seed. To be most effective, do not cut off tops of pumpkins to hollow out.
Another alternative to recycle your old pumpkins is to break them up into pieces, remove all foreign stuff such as candles. Leave the pieces out for animals like moose & deer to eat.

1 comment:

Vanessa~ I Never Grew Up said...

oh what a fantastic idea for the pumpkins! we will do this