Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Greener ideas

Kyle and I had planned to take a trip to the Valley this weekend to pick our own produce at Pyrah's Pioneer Peak Farm. This idea only works if the weather cooperates with us, which at the current time it is over cast and has been raining off and on throughout the week. With that in mind, I have been researching local options of ways to get local produce without having to roll in the mud!
I came across Glacier Valley Farm CSA, is the only Community Supported Agriculture in the state of Alaska. The way it works is 3 weeks a month, they sell boxes filled with local produce. For $35 you get a 18-21 lb. box filled with fresh produce, this week it is; cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, celery, fennel, zucchini, cauliflower, garlic, & potatoes. They are available for pickup at various locations, you pay the fee several days in advance and you can set a weekly pick up or sporadically based on what is available, they also enclose a newsletter for recipes on how to use the produce that is available that week. I missed this weeks pick-up but I have my sights set on next week, yummy yummy fresh produce! You can read more about Glacier Valley Farm CSA HERE. Nancy at Glacier Valley Farm was kind enough to get me information regarding local honey production in the state, if you are interested in Alaskan honey you can find more information HERE.
While searching for the above information, I came across a community run program under the Anchorage Soil & Water Conservation District. They are currently offering compost bins to residents for half off, and they also run a local woodlot where you can pick up mulch and firewood for free! I have been wanting to pick up some mulch for my garden, and you can't beat free. More information on the compost bins can be found HERE, and woodlot information is HERE.

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