My fuschia starts are enjoying the sun with some peonies (I use cut up milk jugs to temporarily grow them in until there ready to go outdoors), & my crazy begonias. I started the Salmon & Yellow begonias the end of March, from tubers, & it looks like they're ready to go outdoors as they've gotten very large!
My sweet Lucy is enjoying the sunshine. All of the Pugs love being outside when the weather is warm. And, I purchased a hydrangea plant last year & weathered it in the house over the winter. Little blooms are finally starting to appear!
I recently celebrated my 30th Birthday (wowza!)...sometimes I still feel like a teenager, time sure flies by. Mother's Day took on a whole new meaning this year as a mom-to-be. We can't wait until the big d-day in August to finally meet our little one! Kyle has been thrilled these last couple of weeks as he has been able to hear the heartbeat with a fetal monitor, & then he felt/saw several kicks a couple of days ago.
Between working & housework, it seems there is just not enough time in the day. Im planning a freezer food list for the first month, after the baby is born, so that we really won't have to worry about food planning & preparation. Most of the meals will be easy enough to toss in the oven for an hour or two and then, viola, dinner is served :-) So far the dinner menu consists of; lasagna, meatloaf, enchiladas, salsbury steak, porcupine balls & rice, and chicken & rice. Breakfast and lunch will be more convenient items such as muffins, cereal, canned soups/chili, sandwiches, & salads.
Hoping that your Spring days are fantastic.
Im looking forward to an exciting summer...until next time :-)